
ผศ.ดร.เนตรชนก แก้วจันทา
Asst.Prof.Dr.Netchanok Kaewjanta
Assistant Professor Dr. Netchanok Kaewjanta heads the Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing Department at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. In addition, she is a member of the WHO Collaborating Center for Research and Training on Gender & Women’s Health (2011 to current). During her 15 years of nursing research, she has conducted both quantitative and qualitative research based on mental health and psychiatric nursing. Her current research interests focus on gender-based analysis of mental health issues, depression in adolescents (especially depression among male adolescents), stress, and self-harm. In the last five years, the research of Dr. Netchanok Kaewjanta has generated around 15 publications in both national and international peer review journals.
- Email:knetch@kku.ac.th

ผศ.ดร.ชนกฤทัย ชื่นอารมณ์
Asst.Prof.Dr.Chanokruthai Choen-arom
Dr. Choenarom has a goal of making the use of conceptual models and theories central to nursing research and practice. She strives to help students become critical thinkers and to use integrative theoretical framework to support their clinical practice. Her other inspiration is to facilitate innovation and digital transformation in nursing education and precision health care.
- Email:chacho1@kku.ac.th

ผศ.ดร.ศรินรัตน์ จันทพิมพ์
Asst.Prof.Dr.Sarinrut Juntapim
Dr. Sarinrut Juntapim has conducted research on mental health system issues and community psychiatry. community-based psychiatric care system including mental health care for elderly people living alone and participated in the Khon Kaen University Elder School.
- Email:sariju@kku.ac.th

อาจารย์ ดร.จุไรพร สัมพุทธานนท์
Dr. Juraipon Samputtanon
Experience in teaching and dealing with emotional and behavioral problems among adolescents at schools, communities, and mental health institutions has triggered Ms. Juraipon’s concern towards adolescent mental health. As a nurse researcher, she aims to develop effective interventions to enhance the mental health self-care of adolescents. As a nursing instructor, she aims to enhance the nursing competencies of her students by putting her efforts into designing effective courses, instructional methods, and evaluation of learning outcomes.
- Email:juraipon@kku.ac.th

อาจารย์ ณิชกุล ขันบุตรศรี
Nitchakool Khunbutsri
Lecturer Nitchakool Khunbutsri is a lecturer in the Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. She currently serves as a junior academic staff member. Her research interests include gender differences in psychiatric and mental health nursing, drug and alcohol addiction, adolescent behavior problems and alcohol consumption (in female adolescents particularly). She has experience in conducting nursing research in the mental health and psychiatric nursing fields and has served as a research assistant in projects receiving support from the Alcohol Research Center and the National Research Council of Thailand (NRCT). She is currently a doctoral student at Chiang Mai University, Thailand.
Full Profile
- Email:nidckh@kku.ac.th

ผศ.ชมพูนุท ชนะมาร
Asst.Prof.Chompoonoot Chanamarn
Chompoonoot Chanamarn is a lecturer and a junior academic staff member in the Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. She has experience in academics, nursing research, and mental health services (counselling). Her research interests are gender aspects in nursing research of psychiatric mental health problems including depression and depressive disorder as well as self-harm and non-suicidal self-harm.
- Email:chompoo@kku.ac.th

อาจารย์ ดร.ขวัญสุดา บุญทศ
Dr.Kwansuda Boontoch
Dr. Kwansuda Boontoch is a lecturer in the Department of Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. She has extensive experience as a psychiatric mental health nurse in in-patient psychiatric unit over a span of 15 years. She specializes in counseling and psychosocial care for chronic illness, schizophrenia care and addiction nursing. Her research interests include mental health promotion in persons with chronic illness, substance use disorder and substance related disorder care. Her lifelong goal is to improve care for psychiatric patients and people with mental health problems through innovation and digital technology.
- Email:kwaboo@kku.ac.th

อาจารย์ รุ่งอรุณ โทวังนัง
Rungarun Thowannang
Lect. Rungarun Thowannang is a lecturer in Mental Health and Psychiatric Nursing at the Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand. She has over five years of experience in caring for psychiatric patients. Her research interests include gender-based analysis of mental health and psychiatric problems, depression among people with alcohol dependence and substance use disorders. She is currently a doctoral student at Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- Email:rungtho@kku.ac.th