ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.อัจฉริยา วงษ์อินทร์จันทร์
Asst. Prof. Dr.Atchariya Wonginchan
E-mail : watcha@kku.ac.th
Assistant Professor Dr. Atchariya Wonginchan is a pediatric health promotion nurse researcher. The population of her study are pediatric patients and family members. Her research focuses on behavioral and psychological studies that include fear, stress, coping, well-being, self-regulation, self-efficacy, executive function, case management and providing information. Moreover, she conducts research related to instrument development.
Degree :
- Ph.D. (Nursing), Chulalongkorn University, Thailand.
- M.N.S. (Pediatric Nursing), Mahidol University, Thailand.
- B.N.S. (Nursing), Faculty of Nursing, Khon Kaen University, Thailand.
- Bachelor of Education (B.Ed), Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University, Thailand.
Expertise :
- Health promotion in children.
- Self-regulation, Providing concrete-objective information
- Self-efficacy
- Executive function and Behavioral modification
- Fear, Stress, Coping, Well-being in pediatric patients and family member
- Neonatal and Infants Nursing (Health promotion–acute-critical care-chronic illness)
- Pain management in preschoolers
- Case management
Research Interest :
- Health promotion for neonate, infants, early childhood, school age children, adolescents and caregivers. Her research focuses on behavioral and psychological study in pediatrics and caregivers. Her research interest include fear, stress, coping, well-being, self-regulation, self-efficacy, executive function, case management and providing information. She also conducts research related to instrument development.