ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ ดร.นิตยา พันธ์งาม
Asst. Prof. Dr. Nittaya Panngam
E-mail : nittapa@kku.ac.th
Dr. Nittaya Panngam is an educator and researcher on nursing and midwife with a clinical background in delivery and obstetric area at territory healthcare unit. She has combined these areas of expertise to educate and research in the areas of breastfeeding promotion, developing the scale involving Covid-19 in pregnancy, and community engagement in maternal and child health. Her research interests are community participation of maternal and child health, breast feeding promoting system, system management among high risk pregnancy, with a strong interest in utilizing simulation based learning among midwifery education. Through her role with lecturer and researcher, she has conducted research to inform learning and teaching quality and curriculum design involving utilizing simulation based learning in midwifery practice. She also has a deep insight into not only the ethnography but also critical discourse methodology upon maternal and child health.
In 2019, she was also an educator and trainer for the program “Developing the fast track model toward reducing the maternal mortality” supported by UNFPA, TICA, and FON KKU.
Degree :
- Ph.D.(Nursing), Khonkaen University, Thailand.
- M.N.S. (Advanced midwifery), Khonkaen University, Thailand.
- B.N.S. (Nursing science), Mahidol University, Thailand.
Expertise :
Midwifery education, Breastfeeding, Maternal and child health, Women health, Community engagement for maternal and child health, Community discourse among maternal and child health, Simulation based learning in midwifery education.
Research Interest :
Community participation of maternal and child health, Breast feeding, system management among high risk pregnancy, Simulation based learning among midwifery education.